EAI Produces Compilation of FY22 Resilience Best Practices in Niger and Burkina Faso
As part of the USAID-funded Sahel Collaboration and Communication (SCC) project, Equal Access International (EAI) produced a compilation of resilience best practices used during FY22.

Equal Access International (EAI) produced a compilation of resilience best practices used during FY22. The document, titled “Cahier de Résilience”, was shared with the public through an article in the ONEP newspaper. The compilation highlighted USAID projects and their implementation approach in Burkina Faso and Niger to strengthen communities’ capacity to deal with shocks and stresses. The document can also be used as a learning tool to strengthen similar interventions.
USAID SCC is implemented by Mercy Corps, Equal Access International, Tulane University, and the Center for Democratic Governance in Burkina Faso.
Read the Cahier de Résilience here.