Performance Evaluation of USAID/CÔTE D’IVOIRE Resilience for Peace Activity
This mid-term performance evaluation, prepared independently, assessed the effectiveness of the Resilience for Peace (R4P) Activity implemented to strengthen community resilience to violent extremism (VE) in northern Côte d’Ivoire. The Evaluation Team (ET) completed a desk review and in-country data collection with nearly 300 respondents through key informant interviews and focus group discussions. The evaluation concluded that R4P’s approach contributed to mitigating key drivers of VE through action-oriented research that facilitated understanding of VE dynamics in the northern border regions and informed Government of Côte d’Ivoire responses to VE. Several R4P activities helped build trust between the government, the local authorities, and communities, which in turn bolstered their resilience against VE. R4P fostered inclusive and peaceful management of natural resources, thereby reducing inter-communal conflicts. Additionally, R4P support for constructive dialogue between government authorities and the Fulani community encouraged inclusion and reduced the perception of marginalization. Read the Full Mid-Term Evaluation Report, including identified activities that could be could be scaled up and potentially replicated across Coastal West Africa.
Measuring impact