Indigo Côte d’Ivoire (Indigo CI)
Indigo Côte d’Ivoire (Indigo CI) is an Ivorian organization specialized in Participative Action Research (PAR) and peacebuilding. As part of the Resilience for Peace team, Indigo CI conducts research on emerging issues and social dynamics in R4P target areas, which contributes to shaping project priorities and approach, and ensure do no harm.
Association des Femmes Juristes de Côte d’Ivoire (AFJCI)
Since 1984, AFJCI has promoted women’s rights and access to justice and raised awareness about gender equality. AFJCI implements R4P’s Gender-Based Violence activities in three R4P target regions. AFJCI provides legal assistance to GBV survivors, organizes prevention activities, and works with GBV local stakeholders to improve access to psychosocial and medical services.
Chaire UNESCO de Bioétique de l’Université Alassane Ouattara
Researchers from Chaire UNESCO partner with R4P to facilitate a network of national CVE researchers, which regularly interacts with other CVE researchers in West Africa. Chaire UNESCO also conducts research that informs decision-makers about CVE dynamics, and provides scholarships to selected graduate students to build their expertise around resilience against violent extremism.
Commission Nationale des Frontières de la Côte d’Ivoire (CNFCI)
The National Border Commission is the governmental agency in charge of designing and implementing national policies and strategies for managing borders and coordinating initiatives in the border regions. R4P partners with the CNFCI to develop, conduct, and disseminate research informing border management policies. R4P and the CNFCI also work together to implement impactful and urgent actions for communities in the northern border areas.
Conseil National de Sécurité (CNS)
The National Security Council is R4P counterpart within the Ivorian government. R4P closely coordinates its work with the CNS. For example, R4P and the CNS develop together initiatives to foster civil-military dialogue, and R4P research priorities are informed by regular discussions with the CNS. The CNS also works with R4P to translate research results into concrete actions.