Supporting Somalis to identify and articulate the challenges they face in accessing security and justice to build common understanding and action that leads to visible, practical change in the experience and trust in security and justice.
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Making media accessible and participatory is at the heart of everything we do at EAI. Since our first broadcasts on satellite radio to community groups in Nepal in the early 2000s, we have strived to use media and technology in a way that engages and involves entire populations. Whether training youth and women to lead our community reporter networks, launching an interactive TV/radio series to tackle violent extremism, or gathering feedback on how to address intimate partner violence through lively social media and interactive voice response (IVR) platforms – we are constantly innovating to ensure our content is creative, appropriate, and, above all, inclusive. We work to create technology and social media initiatives that ensure our partner communities have access to tools needed to be effective leaders and change agents by bridging the digital divide through tech camps, hackathons, and other creative capacity building programming.
Supporting Somalis to identify and articulate the challenges they face in accessing security and justice to build common understanding and action that leads to visible, practical change in the experience and trust in security and justice.
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The PROTECT project applies EAI's unique skillset of creating long-lasting behavior change through media to support youth and adolescents in Nepal to better protect themselves and their peers from becoming victims of human trafficking.
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EAI uses an integrated social and behavioral change-informed approach that taps into the basic education and local governance structures that focuses on Preventing Violent Extremism through Education (PVE-E).
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This new radio show helps Somali parents and their children build resilience and work towards a positive future.
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Global, Kenya
Recognizing that girls working in the adult entertaining sector in Kathmandu are in danger of sexual exploitation, EAI implemented this dynamic SBCC activity via social media.
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EAI is strengthening capacities of local organizations to build resilience to violent extremism and counter radicalization and recruitment efforts of armed groups in Mindanao.
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This valuable resource for communication for development practitioners aims to incite discussions on what it means to deepen communication for action and promote positive social change.
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Burkina Faso, Cambodia, Cameroon, Chad, Côte d’Ivoire, Kenya, Laos, Mali, Nepal, Niger, Nigeria, Pakistan, Past Countries, Philippines, Sahel, Yemen, Building Peace & Transforming Extremism, Championing Gender Equality & Women’s Empowerment, Governance & Civic Engagement, Participatory Media & Technology, Research & Learning
Social norms increasingly are the focus of intimate partner violence (IPV) prevention strategies. This study assesses the effect of a new measure of social norms, the Partner Violence Norms Scale, on women's risk of IPV, in Nepal.
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Nepal, Championing Gender Equality & Women’s Empowerment, UK Department for International Development (DFID); Emory University; South African Medical Research Council (MRC)
This innovative report outlines the pathways to reframe radicalization through interactive discourse, informative programming and empowering youth to engage in positive civic engagement.
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Nigeria, Building Peace & Transforming Extremism, Research & Learning, US State Department
Amplify impact by supporting communities in producing their own content and amplify impact