Governance and Civic Engagement
EAI fosters civic engagement as a means of promoting public participation to improve local governance. To achieve this goal, EAI guides individuals and citizen groups through a series of transformative training and connects them with opportunities for civic participation. As a result, communities and citizens are equipped to overcome structural barriers that impede their participation in public policy development, public resource allocation and distribution, and oversight of public service delivery. EAI enables communities to have a voice in matters of public interest and supports their innate agency to constructively engage in dialogue with government officials. We provide tools that support individuals and communities to advocate for accountability and transparency. Our programs bring together relevant stakeholders including citizens, civil society leaders, traditional leaders, elected representatives, local governments, public service providers, and law enforcement agencies to define sustainable governance solutions through multi-stakeholder dialogue. Our methods inspire sustainable action in our communities ensuring citizens continue to instigate civic action after the completion of a program.

Supporting Somalis to identify and articulate the challenges they face in accessing security and justice to build common understanding and action that leads to visible, practical change in the experience and trust in security and justice.
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Nabadaynta Soomaaliya

SNC seeks to strengthen safety and increase community resilience through a holistic approach that strengthens Early Warning Early Response, prioritizes trauma healing, and increases participation of marginalized communities in peace and security.
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Securing Nigerian Communities (SNC)
Voices for Peace (V4P)

In 2014, EAI launched the first of its kind 24/7 Hausa language television station rooted in peacebuilding and entertainment. The channel amplified the rich culture of the North inspiring millions of viewers to tune in - catapulting it to No.1.
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Nigeria, AREWA24
AREWA24: First 24/7 Hausa language satellite television station in N. Nigeria

To strengthen the demand for transparent and accountable governance and amplify the voices of anti-corruption actors, EAI is implementing a multi-component project to improve awareness and dialogue between citizens and the government. 2018-present
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Strengthening media support for community accountability measures (SMSCAM)

A healthy democracy is founded on the pillars of social equity and justice. EAI responds to this need by fostering civic engagement at the sub-national level through media, communication, ICT4D, and direct community outreach. 2016-present
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Civil Society: Mutual Accountability Project (CS:MAP)

In regions of Pakistan overrun by violent extremism, EAI brought peace through theater and radio dramas exploring alternatives to conflict. Step By Step (Kadam Pa Kadam) used fictional narratives centered on young women to spark real dialogue.
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Peace Caravan and Kadam Pa Kadam (KPK, Step by Step) radio program

This project teamed up with mobile money transfer service Wing to bring financial literacy to youth who desperately need it.
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Cambodia, Past Countries
We can do it

In 2012, media trainers from EAI engaged community youth and radio stations to provide critical information promoting interethnic understanding and healing during one of the most critical periods in the country's recent history.
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Media and leadership trainings in Côte d’Ivoire

In the government-controlled media environment of Laos, talk of democracy was forbidden. Yet through its 2010 Lao Radio Extension Project, EAI helped bring open-minded, youth-led radio programming to an impoverished district in northern Laos.
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Laos, Past Countries
Lao radio lab extends access to information

During the political transition in Yemen, EAI used films, theater competitions, and other engagement strategies to inform Yemeni youth about their rights. Equipped with this knowledge, young people became more involved in helping their communities.
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Past Countries, Yemen
Yemeni youth RIGHTS initiative

In Yemen, a country where youth constitute 70% of the population, EAI’s 2013 WASL Public Information Campaign commissioned public murals from artists and produced youth-focused radio programs to encourage civic participation
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Past Countries, Yemen
Promoting Yemeni youth civic participation: WASL Public Information Campaign

The Furthering FATA Reforms and civic engagement project was implemented between 2014-2017 to inform, educate, and actively engage citizens of Federally Administrated Tribal Areas (FATA) on the region’s reforms.
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Furthering FATA Reforms (FFR)
Responsive media development for democracy in Niger

EAI’s award-winning “Chatting With My Best Friend” radio program provides information and support to Nepalese youth on pressing issuees. Orlando Bloom played a guest role on the award-winning program. The show was featured CNN.
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Addressing taboo issues using radio – “Chatting with My Best Friend”

EAI improved the ability of communities to engage with local government and to advocate for their needs as an implementing partner to Pact on the USAID funded Sajhedari Bikaas project in Nepal.
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Sajhedari Bikkas: partnership for development
Research & Resources

In this thoughtful article, the authors outline holistic and participatory strategies and actions that support organizational capacity building.
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Nepal, Participatory Media & Technology, Research & Learning
A holistic, learning-centred approach to building evaluation capacity in development organizations

This valuable resource for communication for development practitioners aims to incite discussions on what it means to deepen communication for action and promote positive social change.
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Burkina Faso, Cambodia, Cameroon, Chad, Côte d’Ivoire, Kenya, Laos, Mali, Nepal, Niger, Nigeria, Pakistan, Past Countries, Philippines, Sahel, Yemen, Building Peace & Transforming Extremism, Championing Gender Equality & Women’s Empowerment, Governance & Civic Engagement, Participatory Media & Technology, Research & Learning
The advantages and limits of a “Full-Spectrum” approach to communication for development (C4D)

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