The Sahel Collaboration and Communication (SCC) project aims to increase the impact of USAID's work in Niger and Burkina by acting as the convener among implementing partners and sharing best practices in support of effective collaboration.
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The Sahel Region
EAI has been implementing full-scale international development projects in the African Sahel since 2008. Our work began in Niger and Chad and every year we scale our reach winning and leading complex multi-country, multi-year impactful programming. Today, we have country offices run by excellent local staff in Cameroon, Mali, Niger, Burkina Faso, and Chad. EAI is a leader in peacebuilding and countering violent extremism across the region. Our programs catalyze emerging community leaders, build bridges between diverse stakeholders and utilize media and technology to forward sustainable solutions. We lead projects on gender equality, civic engagement, community resilience, and use innovative new media and technology. We plan to continue to expand across the region and the continent in partnership with local organizations and global donors.
Voices for Peace (V4P)
White Dove (Farar Tattabara) Messaging Hub in Northern Nigeria & Lake Chad Basin
The PDev program, from start to finish, connected people and empowered them to build their own network for peace.
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Peace Through Development II (PDevII)
Communications are a vital tool in addressing the drivers of violent extremism (VE). EAI delivered a range of communications activities designed to foster stability, resilience, peace, and prosperity in Niger and Chad between 2009-2011.
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Peace Through Development I (PDevI)
Responsive media development for democracy in Niger
Research & Resources
In this thoughtful article, the authors outline holistic and participatory strategies and actions that support organizational capacity building.
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Nepal, Participatory Media & Technology, Research & Learning
A holistic, learning-centred approach to building evaluation capacity in development organizations
This valuable resource for communication for development practitioners aims to incite discussions on what it means to deepen communication for action and promote positive social change.
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Burkina Faso, Cambodia, Cameroon, Chad, Côte d’Ivoire, Kenya, Laos, Mali, Nepal, Niger, Nigeria, Pakistan, Past Countries, Philippines, Sahel, Yemen, Building Peace & Transforming Extremism, Championing Gender Equality & Women’s Empowerment, Governance & Civic Engagement, Participatory Media & Technology, Research & Learning
The advantages and limits of a “Full-Spectrum” approach to communication for development (C4D)
Partner with Us
Support EAI in scaling our impact across the Sahel through technology for development, civic leadership and gender equality