Christopher Wakube
Country Director , Kenya
Christopher is a peacebuilding and project management professional with 19 years' experience working on various projects ranging from Child Protection, Peacebuilding, Elections Peace and Security, Community Security and Preventing Violent Extremism.
Christopher (Chris) Wakube is a Country Director with Equal Access International (EAI) at EAI office in Nairobi, Kenya. He is a peacebuilding and project management professional with 19 years’ experience working on various projects ranging from Child Protection, Peacebuilding, Elections Peace and Security, Community Security and Preventing Violent Extremism. He is currently managing projects in EAI that provide alternative narratives to young people at risk of radicalization/recruitment by violent extremist organizations. Previously he has worked with Saferworld (UK) as Kenya Country Manager/Head of Office and with Pact Inc. as Senior Program Officer. Chris has also undertaken consultancy assignments involving trainings, evaluations and research in Kenya and the East African region including S. Sudan, Sudan, Somalia, Rwanda and Ethiopia. Chris holds a Master of Business Administration (Strategic Management) from University of Nairobi, Kenya and a Bachelor of Philosophy from Pontifical Urbaniana University, Rome. He is also PMD Pro 1 (Project Management for Development Professionals) certified. To contact Chris Wakube please email cwakube@equalaccess.org.