Ahmed ‘Tommy’ Pangcoga
Country Director, Philippines
Tommy has over twenty years of experience working as a national and international development and humanitarian professional in Mindanao. He has years of experience working with a wide array of international development stakeholders.
Ahmed Harris “Tommy” Pangcoga is the current Country Director of Equal AccessInternational in the Philippines. Previously, he served as its Monitoring, Evaluation, Research and Learning (MERL) Manager. He has over twenty years of experience working as a national and international development and humanitarian professional in Mindanao. His specializations are in the fields of peacebuilding, human rights, child protection, social protection (social cash transfers), humanitarian response, and disaster risk reduction. Throughout his career, he has been engaged either as a consultant or as a national staff of such agencies as: United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Philippines (UNHCR), United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) Philippines, Oxfam in the Philippines, Cordaid Netherlands, ChildFund Philippines, Save the Children, Catholic Relief Services, Philippine Legislators Committee for Population and Development (PLCPD), Plan International, International Children’s Action Network (ICAN), Action Against Hunger, and the Consortium of Bangsamoro Civil Society (CBCS), Inc. To contact Tommy Pangocoga please email apangcoga@equalaccess.org.