Border Reopening Study
Investigating dynamics induced by the reopening of Côte d’Ivoire’s borders after Covid 19 and community resilience to violent extremism in the northern border areas of Côte d’Ivoire.
A Project of —
Bagoué, Bounkani, Tchologo, 2024, Cross-border, Economic activities (illicit), Local governance, Migration, Security governance, Social cohesion
Localities of Tengrela-Papara, Ouangolodougou and Doropo
The goal of this study was to gather quantitative and qualitative data to better understand the risks and opportunities associated with re-opening of borders in the localities of Tengrela-Papara, Ouangolodougou and Doropo, in northern Côte d’Ivoire. Developing a baseline may improve communication mechanisms and strategies aimed at mitigating issues potentially exploitable by violent extremist organizations (VEOs).
The study focused on the dynamics induced by the closure and reopening of Ivorian land borders in northern localities. It used a combined qualitative and quantitative approach to analyze the opportunities and risks associated with border closures in relation to resilience against violent extremism (VE), and to analyze the dynamics induced by the reopening of borders.
Read the full report here.